At this point in your online coaching career,
You’ve gone through a LOT in your own personal journey--specifically, with the work you so proudly and lovingly teach your community.
Whether you’re someone who has come from the fitness industry and is now CLAIMING how much more your work is than body recomposition…
Or you’re in the business world and see the nuances of personal development work that business so beautifully mirrors to us with each new level we reach…
Or you’re already deeply embedded in the personal development space…
You’re here because you are ready to learn how to communicate what you do within your programs and courses that MATCHES the transformation you provide.
The work you do is deep.
The transformations that occur are out of this world.
And fuck...you so badly are ready to have your external marketing actually be a match for the internal transformations your clients have as a result of the work you do together.

An internal transformation is a shift that is not always physically seen, but definitely internally felt.
As a result, our physical world reality shifts.
It’s time to talk about elevating your marketing into its highest expression.
When you do this, you’ll notice how much more seamlessly you attract the right clients that know YOU are their next mentor because your words resonate so deeply with them.
But I know you’re feeling a bit blocked, so let’s chat about why that may be:
Marketing Messaging Problem #1:
You Haven't Nailed Down the Most Accurate Language and People Get *Confusedddd*
“Feel like your absolute best self” is something everyone who has gone on a personal development journey can tap into, but doesn’t REALLY specify the results you provide now does it?
I know you know what you do is powerful, it’s just a new level of mastery to be able to skillfully craft content and copy that accurately describes what’s going on beyond the tangible, practical outcomes like “make more money” or “lose weight.”
“A true name is a name of a thing or being that expresses, or is somehow identical to, its true nature. The notion that language, or some specific sacred language, refers to things by their true names has been central to philosophical study as well as various traditions of magic, religious invocation and mysticism (mantras) since antiquity.”
This is your initiation into more fully mastering your work--by learning how to accurately describe it. Plus--when you learn to write or speak it accurately--it will NOT be missed or lost upon the right clients for you.
Marketing Messaging Problem #2:
You don’t want to “sell them what they want, and give them what they need” any longer. You want to just sell them the thing you sell.
You may be feeling like your audience doesn’t really WANT to buy the internal transformation, and selling it without a tangible “outcome” or “value” is more challenging.
Perhaps you were taught how to double down on the pain points of your ideal client, but you work directly with trauma and aren’t available to weaponize your potential clients' trauma and pain to sell to them.
Or maybe you hired a copywriter--who did a decent job--but didn’t REALLY nail it for you; but you used it anyway because you paid for it and it did a decent enough job.
Sure. Yes. And--there is a way for you to more fully encompass what you do AND get your ideal clients to be sure as fuck about investing in it.
You can speak directly into their power, their capability, their resourcefulness, their wisdom and intelligence.
You can speak into the practicality and importance of their transformation, helping them see that this is their obvious next step.
Marketing Messaging Problem #3:
You’re Still Integrating Your Own Inner Work And Writing About It Is Tricky.
Emotional and psychological language is not one we usually speak out in the world. Hell, most people are just realizing feeling your feelings isn’t a bad thing. This may be new for you, or you may be still integrating layers of your own internal journey and aren’t fully embodied yet.
Allow this masterclass to be the opportunity for you to strengthen your mastery and embodiment of YOUR journey, so you can more fully support your clients.
Example Of Making The Intangible, Tangible:
“I help women access liberation from life-long food challenges through hypnosis, inner child healing, and habit change. Being free in your relationship with food looks like going out to eat and trusting both yourself and your body to do what’s best. It’s having more brain space to focus on the other areas of your life. It’s finally being able to eat what you want and be confident within your home for life: your body.”
Hi, I'm Amanda.
I’m a business coach, conscious leadership coach, creative entrepreneur, and influencer. I help digital entrepreneurs and creators start, grow, and scale their businesses using strategies rooted in authenticity, alignment, and transformational healing.

I’ve worked with 400+ clients in my lifetime, and the essence of what I do helps people like you access your core essence, talents, genius, and purpose in the world--and leverage that into creating a business.
In my own work studying business, marketing, trauma-work, spiritual psychology, spirituality, copywriting, somatics, energetics, and more--I know how overwhelming it can feel to attempt to encompass what you do in the written word.
Truthfully: it’s impossible to fully encompass it in marketing. But we can get really fucking close.
I’ve helped hundreds of clients write and create copy that’s rooted in conscious awareness, healing wounds, and transforming the inner world. Everything from Self-Esteem, to Neuroscience and Spirituality, to Food Freedom, to Business and Alignment, Relationship Dynamics and Energetics, Sexuality, and more.
I get SO excited about helping creative, conscious, heart-centered entrepreneurs create copy that not only converts, but FEELS enlivening and ACCURATE because it allows them to more fully embody their power by being able to properly market it.
Making The Intangible, Tangible
A High-End Masterclass to help conscious coaches and educators like you breathe life into your marketing by learning to effectively and accurately translate your message.

Here’s What We’ll Be Doing During Our Time:
> Learning an entirely new way to write and speak to your ideal customers, through the lens of your deeper understanding of emotions, psychology, somatics, energy, empowerment, and transformation (that you know and love in your coaching!)
> Debunking basic, disconnected copywriting strategies that are not resonating with you OR your audience anymore.
> Transforming your entire relationship to pitching, copywriting, and content by showing you how to make the intangibles--tangible, the sleazy--inviting and warm, and the basic--vivid and powerful.
> Workshopping examples of I help statements, content ideas, sales page write-ups, and more!